Clove Bud Essential Oil is prepared by using the steam distillation extraction method from the flower buds of the clove plant. It is scientifically known as syzgium aromaticum and originated in South Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Since very old times, the extract of the flower of this plant is used for treating dental ailments. The clove plants are having the height of 8-12 meter and possess large sized leaves. In ancient India, cloves are widely used in food items. Later its many medicinal properties were discovered and used for treating various health problems.
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Syzgium aromaticum
South Asian countries
Above 200F
1.0349 @ 72°F
1.5327 @ 72°F
Eugenol (70 to 80%), β-caryophyllene (2 to 7%), eugenyl acetate (8 to 15%)
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Oil Properties
The color of this oil is clear to light yellow and having woody, spicy and warm aroma.
Origin of Clove Bud Essential Oil
This oil has originated from South Asian countries but largest producer of this oil are Madagascar and Indonesia.
The steam distillation extraction method is used for extracting this oil from the flower buds of the clove plant.
The chemical compositions of this oil consist of eugenol, eugenyl acetate, caryophyllene and isocaryophyllene.
It is advised to be highly precautious with the use of this oil and take immediate medical help if necessary.
Therapeutic properties
There are plenty of therapeutic qualities that are associated with this oil such as analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti aging, carminative, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti clotting, antioxidant, insecticide, antispasmodic, stomachic and stimulant.
Dental Use: With its strong germicidal property, this oil is highly used for the treatment of dental ailment and other mouth related problems. It is very effective in treating mouth ulcer, sore gums and dental pain. It is also used for eliminating bad breath due to its refreshing aroma. This oil has wide demand in dental medication and dental product industry.
Analgesic: Its analgesic property makes this oil very useful in getting relief from various pains like muscle pain, tooth ache, headache, wounds, asthma, etc. It is known to be a natural analgesic.
Antiseptic: It is used to cure minor skin infections, minor burns and cuts, acne and insect bite due to its antiseptic nature.
Aromatherapy and Spa: Due to its aphrodisiac nature, it is widely used in aromatherapy treatment to get rid of stress and anxiety.
The clove bud oil can treat respiratory disorder, cold, cough, sore throat, fever and many other health ailments very effectively due to its anti inflammatory property.
This oil is enriched with plenty of natural medicinal qualities which make it very useful for treating many health ailments. For dental problems, it is like a boon by the nature. Now days, this oil is extensively used for treating almost all types of dental diseases. However, one should very cautious while using this oil because of many bad side effects associated with it.
Buying Clove Bud Essential Oil from us
In order to get the pure and authentic clove bud essential oil you can buy it from us. We are the provider of wide range of natural essential oil at really competitive price. Our products are guaranteed for being pure and genuine without having any kind of chemicals. You have to just order it from this website and you will get it at your place.